19 July 2014

Ormiston Gorge, N.T.

West MacDonnell National Park is a treasure of the Northern Territory; well, just one of them.  The Outback isn't all just about red dirt at all.

Our group arrived at Ormiston Gorge near to 3.30 p.m. one afternoon; it was to me a really special destination; totally enchanting.

how long would an artist want to spend here?  

there's the waters edge near the bottom of the photo.

... a yellow hammock strung across the other side, so some-one was minimalistic-camping-out in a pretty remote location there.

Sharing with Weekend Reflections


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Magnificeent scenery and fabulous reflections, Have a great weekend.

Viera said...

Fantastic nature... such a nice composition...and reflection is tremendous...

Roy Norris said...

Amazing scenes and you have shot some great photos Carole.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful Carole, such amazing scenery. Fantastic reflections of the sky, trees and rock formations

EG CameraGirl said...

It certainly is lovely there. Marvelous reflections, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I just wish this place was a wee bit closer so I could drive to it. Sinbad and I could "disappear" for weeks here.

LindyLouMac said...

What stunning scenery, thanks for sharing. I am now following you thanks to your recent comment on my photography blog.

Jan Castle said...

Wonderful place and great photos! For some reason, have not been getting your posts, so happy to see I am back in the loop!

Gerald (SK14) said...

lovely reflections in the river there

Bob Bushell said...

Very pleasant scenery, excellent photos.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, i love the reflections. so lovely. ( :

Irma said...

Beautiful series of photos, Carole.
I like the reflection in the water.

Kay said...

When I look at the the second photo I can see myself sitting and enjoying the view, it feels so serene.....

Laura said...

Again and again, you have taken amazing photos, Carole! I love these. I feel like I'm there with you! Love the reflections in the water. It doubles the pleasure of seeing these great sights! Thanks!