29 August 2014

another (little) farewell

but first...

...there was audio-music in the bushland, as we walked closer to next amazing sculpture - not knowing then what it was leading to, or why? 

There were many photos from a wonderful day visit to Bruno's Gardens, that I'd shared some years back. 

Tragically, fires swept through this township soon afterwards,  destroying Bruno's hard work .... but certainly not his spirit. 

You can read from Bruno's website here, what happened then, and how he with many helpers, have worked together and regenerated this wonderful tourist attraction in Marysville, Victoria.

It's tandem-farewells today from both Snap Happy Online, and Snap Happy Birding.  I left the first post on my original blog, a little earlier.  You can read it here.


Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Beautiful pictures of these beautiful sculptures.
The piano man I find totally amazing.

I find it very sad that you stop with blogger.
Thanks for all the beautiful and sweet words, that I got on my blog from you.
Best regards, Irma

Anonymous said...

Oh these are wonderful. Sad to read they are no more. Even more so that your blog too will be no more. Hopefully you will find you just needed a holiday from blogging and in time will resume once again. I know sometimes I get that feeling. Now comes the dilemma for me...from where will I get my daily Australia fix? Take care, be safe and I/we will always be here for your return. Thank you for the Australian road trip.

Laura said...

Carole, I'm sad that you will no longer be blogging, but I'm grateful for all the wonderful blog posts and photos you have shared. A great big THANK YOU for sharing your part of with world with us! And wishing you all the best!!! hugs, Laura

Jeanne said...

One more time! I am so sorry to hear this... Is all ok with you??

Ida said...

Again :o( - I learned so much from you about places and things I'd never have had the pleasure to see if not for you. Perhaps someday you be back. I've been blogging since 2008 and while I enjoyed my 2 months off this summer I was so happy to be back. You will be missed.

Unknown said...

Carole, I am going to miss your extremely interesting posts, whether it be on your birding site or this one. Your photos show so much detail. Thank you so much for sharing your part of Australia and your travels with us. I wish you all the very best.

Montanagirl said...

So sad to see you go. It's been a real pleasure to visit your blog and see what you see!!

ruma said...


Great photographing. Design, composition and ideas. Very sweet atmosphere.

Greetings and hugs.
From Japan, ruma❃

Roy Norris said...

Have already commented on your other blog Carole, but sad that you are not blogging anymore. However, I understand as it can take over your life if your not careful sometimes. Take care. Roy.

Sue (this n that) said...

I can understand how you need to have priorities in life Carole.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beautiful photos in this blog.
Cheerio and all the best, Susan :D)xx

roamingpursuits said...

Awesome photos.