10 July 2014

Two Aussie floral emblems

 As a follow on from yesterday's post, several enjoyed seeing the sneak preview of  Sturt's Desert Pea included there.  This flower is the floral emblem to South Australia, but seen growing here, in Northern Territory.

 Some background quoted from Australian National Botanic Gardens/Floral Emblems of Australia here includes "Captain Charles Sturt (1795-1869) noted the occurrence of Swainsona formosa in 1844 while exploring between Adelaide and Central Australia, and the common name, Sturt's Desert Pea, commemorates a notable explorer of inland Australia, as well as indicating the plant's habitat and family."

Photographed at the same location, this beautiful flower, is the Sturt's Desert Rose.  Facts on this floral emblem of the Northern Territory, are written here.  In a ceremony marking the granting of self-government, the Northern Territory flag was raised on July 1 in 1978, and it included a stylised version of this flower in white.

which I did later get to see, at another location.


EG CameraGirl said...

The desert rose is very pretty indeed. And the desert pea is stunning!

Lisa Gordon said...

I was hoping to see more about this beautiful flower here, Carole. It really is stunning, BUT I think I like the Sturt's Desert Rose even more. it is GORGEOUS!!
Thank you for sharing.

Jeanne said...

Great shots Carole and that desert pea is just incredibly beautiful.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

How gorgeous. I am always envious of your exotic colorful birds and now I can add your exotic blooms as well. Just lovely pictures and amazing colors.

Unknown said...

Stunning photos Carole, we do have some incredibly beautiful native flowers.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those blooms are so usual for me, so lovely!! i love the reddish ones most. ( :

Irma said...

What a beautiful exotic flowers, Carole.
Especially 1 and 3 are great.
The collage is beautiful.
I wish you a very nice weekend.

Ileana said...

Beautiful! Never seen desert pea!:) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Both blossoms are spectacular.

Made by KKann said...

Beautiful flowers.

Anonymous said...

The desert pea is stunning! I don't know if the desert rose grows here...
From your text it seems there there's a definite difference between North and South Aus. - also different government?

maryaustria said...

These flowers are amazing! Such fascinating blossoms! Wonderful photos!

Tom said...

Wonderful flowers in your part of the world. Thanks for sharing. Tom The backroads Traveller

joanna uk said...

That 3rd photo is perfect.
And what an exotic flower it is.

betty-NZ said...

What wonderful things you get to see!

Liz said...

Oh wow! Gorgeous images Carole. The Desert Rose is so beautiful.

Kay said...

Amazing flowers the Sturts Desert Pea. In your third photo you can see some still closed. I also like the Sturts Desert Rose. Nice shots especially the white one!