03 August 2014

another magical walk; this one, Kings Canyon in Watarrka National Park, N.T.

This post is about the gentler option, the Kings Creek Walk....and, no it wasn't my hat; way oversized for my head, and I'm pretty sure it was a permanent fixture...

information gleaned from this signage is quoted below

Kings Creek is a very special place for the Luritja Aboriginal Traditional Custodians of Watarrka. They know it as Watarrka Karru (karru means creek), a ceremony place on a native cat (quoll) dreaming track.  In the Dreaming, native cat men, kuningka, travelled from the southwest along this creek and had important ceremonies at the foot of the waterfall.

 the trees here regularly have to surive both floods and years of drought with little or no rains.  After big rains, you can find water under the sandy creekbed for many months.

Holly Grevillea

Young saplings sprout and shoot up using this underground reservoir.  The taller they get, the deeper their roots penetrate into the sand and the greater the chance they have of finding water during dry times.  Being tall with deep roots also means they don't get washed away by floodwater.

Living in a river bed isn't protection against severe droughts.  During dry times, River Red Gums can drop limbs and most of their leaves to be able to survive.  Hollows left by falling limbs provide dwellings for many animals.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday


Unknown said...

More spectacular scenery Carole. The temperature range was perfect for a bush walk.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures again, Carole.
Nice setting for a great walk.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

was that your hat on the post? hope someone did not forget their hat - that would be no good. might get hot. ( :

Anonymous said...

As always... wish I could take that walk. Wonderful to see.

Roy Norris said...

Lovely colouring in these images Carole, especially the rocks.

Carole M. said...

Beth - no it wasn't my hat; way oversized for my head and I'm pretty sure it was a permanent fixture...

Laura said...

Oh, it is so nice to see your photos and remember the wonderful time we had in Australia! King's Canyon was soooo beautiful! A magical place! Thanks for sharing your great photos, Carole!

Montanagirl said...

I can't get over how pretty it is there - you photographed it beautifully!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hard for me to realize it's winter there! That hat is a wonderful addition to the sign. It made me smile.

Valerie said...

Great images of northern Australia, Carole - rich colours.

Joyful said...

Lovely photos and a lovely walk. If I ever had a chance to do it I'd need to do it in your winter ;-)

Dianne said...

A wonderful part of the world Carole ... lovely to see it through your eyes.

eileeninmd said...

What a lovely place for a walk. The colors, trees and plants are all beautiful.. Wonderful series of photos, Carole!

Anonymous said...

What fabulous scenery.

lorik said...

Great post! I especially like your images of rocks.

Kay said...

The trees are so different and beautiful flowers. I enjoyed the walk ;-)