19 August 2014

farewell to Alice

This was a big day, having started with a 5.30 am departure for sunrise over Uluru, back for breakfast, followed by the base walk around Uluru, then a walk during the afternoon, at the Olgas.

this walk was quite arduous on such an unforgiving surface 

who'd have expected to find, a trickle of water down there?

our group had already flown from Uluru to Alice Springs, time to enjoy a coffee while waiting at the airport then for this flight to Sydney.  Farewell to Alice, a fantastic destination I'll never forget.

Thanks for visiting Snap Happy Online recently, and sharing some magical locations with me.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday


Katrin Klink said...

Great landscape, great pictures. I love the red shades of the rocks ... must have been a great adventure!

Montanagirl said...

Hi Carole - I'm stopping in for my once-a-week blog session. You did indeed visit some magical locations: thank you for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Is that Alice Springs in its entirety below the wing tip?

Powell River Books said...

Such stark beauty. Our geologist friend used to call the desert "naked geology." So true. - Margy

Evelyn S. said...

The photo-happy traveler is at it again...as always! ;-) What a place! I need to research the name to see why it's "Alice." Fascinating photos, Carole...of a fascinating landscape.

Carole M. said...

Taken in part from this site:
http://www.southaustralianhistory.com.au/alicesprings.htm to answer your question EVELYN:

The original, or Alice Springs proper, was situated at the Old Telegraph Station (I did a post on this) location. W. W. Mills had written in his diary whilst working there, "numerous waterholes and springs, the principal of which is the Alice Spring which I had the honour of naming after Mrs (Alice) Todd". (The O.T.Stn was located 6 kms up the Todd River).

Carole M. said...

Hi John, no there's much more - the airport is 15 kilometres from the township.

diane b said...

Great shots of this magical place. I remember that walk it was hard on the feet but just fantastic scenery.

Ida said...

Wow that looks like quite the hiking area. It's beautiful in it's own way.

Lisa Gordon said...

Thank YOU for sharing, Carole!
What a beautiful place.

The Furry Gnome said...

It's been a fascinating trip to follow you on. Thanx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I would really like to go there too.=)


Gerald (SK14) said...

looks rather hot there

Roy Norris said...

Amazing scenes Carole and what a great Hat.{:))

Made by KKann said...

Thank you so much for letting us enjoy your trip.

D.Nambiar said...

Fascinating landscape. Great pictures.
Uluru is a place I'd love to see. I hear it look beautiful at dusk too. Is is?

Carole M. said...

:) thanks everyone for your comments, and to D. Nambiar yes dusk photos at Uluru are on this post:

Dianne said...

A wonderful day and I'm sure you slept well that night Carole. You've captured the essence of the place beautifully.

Laura said...

Beautiful photos! Love the contrast between the red earth and the blue sky! Great shot of you! Like the shot of the airport as you are in flight too! Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip online for many to enjoy!

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Great series of pictures of your walk in the beautiful nature
Nice to be on the picture to see you.
Best regards, Irma

Vagabonde said...

The first photos show a landscape so dry then, surprise, here is vegetation. The photo of yourself is nice too – your colors match well with the scenery.