...it's was during one of those free (no cost), and simply leisurely moments, sitting with a mug of hot coffee in hand; you know when you just kind of soak up the good weather .. and think how good it is. Some outdoor chores had been achieved already, and it was time to wind back with caffeine. It smelt good, and it tasted good. That's sounding a little counter-productive I know, when caffeine is said to actually, wind you up, instead.
And, while I was drifting somewhat ... with random thoughts, well ahead along the garden path, this butterfly landed. Well there was my photo opportunity, since camera was right there too. Pretty much, it is one of just four butterflies that I might ever see around here.
I think it's known as the Meadow Argus, and it had landed on Blue Salvia
So since I'm up out of that comfy chair now, I'm encouraged to go photograph some snippets of colour from my winter garden.
Nasturtiums, olde-worlde, and I enjoy their vibrancy and reliability. Good self-seeders, and easy to weed out when 'finished'. Another plus is that the bees love them too.
Linarias, reminding me of mini snap-dragons
Johnny-Jump-Ups, or Heartsease, sometimes also referred to as Violas. How many names can one flower have?
I love the intricacy of those fine veins, an artistic touch in the genetics of one teeny, weeny seed.
Even the humble nasturtium displays this trait. When you just take the time to 'discover' you can find so much to enjoy
Indoors now, light on subject, and some camera play.