11 March 2014

a Celebrity comes to town

Sunday morning, and while listening to local ABC radio the announcer was talking harbourside, about the exciting vibes as the Celebrity Solstice was being berthed in Newcastle. It's where I'd been the week before, depicted in previous blog posts.

  • It was mentioned that the Solstice stands 54 metres above water, and with an 8 metre draft below water level.
  • There is an estimated daily spending in any city when the Solstice is in town, of half-a-million dollars.

Then they mentioned that it would be leaving Newcastle at night, and heading on down to Sydney. That sent me looking online for an E.T.A., since I was meeting with friends at a location right near the International Terminus next morning (yesterday now).

Stepping out of the train at Circular Quay station, near to 10.30 a.m. and looking down over one of the ferry terminus', there is, standing in all its glory, The Celebrity Solstice, with a tug alongside.

There is a clearance under the Sydney Harbour Bridge of 49 metres only, so this lady of the sea certainly isn't going that way when it sails out at night.

  • Top deck includes 5,000 square metres of grass (almost 1.25 acres) where passengers can picnic; maintained by two full-time lawn carers.
  • Penthouses equiv. to 394 square metres, equal space in a 3-4 bedroom home.

With a passenger/staffing occupancy of 2,850, this ship is next heading for New Zealand/Asia.  A glimpse of the iconic Sydney Opera House included in this shot.

Walking beyond the International Terminal towards Dawes Point for a differing view.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday


Bob Bushell said...

A new born city on the sea.

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
What a great big boat, and the famous Sydney Opera House.
Greetings Irma

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, that ship is huge. gigantic!! ( :

diane b said...

It is like a small city itself.

Montanagirl said...

Goodness - lawn and everything on board? What a great ship.

Anonymous said...

That is huge. No doubt people get lost on it. I have on ones smaller. Can't believe there is grass on it either. There are no waterbirds in the marsh unless way into the interior where people cannot get to as you can see in the link to the dried up marsh scene.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Wow, it's huge! A floating city! I've never been on a cruise ship.

Waldameise Andrea said...

Wow, wie majestetisch, diese große Schiff. Das war sicher beeindruckend. Danke für die Fotos.

Einen schönen Mittwoch wünscht
die Waldameise

Anonymous said...

wenn man solche Gelegenheit hat..dann muss man sie auch nutzen
Danke für die schönen Bilder

LG vom katerchen

Roy Norris said...

Hey Carole, it was a change to read about a Cruise Liner that didn't have an outbreak of some Infectious Decease on board.{:))

Ida said...

Wow that is pretty awesome. Wouldn't mind sailing on that.